Material quantity calculations are no longer dependent on one person.
“Just yesterday, I calculated the plumbing renovation of a 48-unit apartment building from the boiler room to the last apartment in just 1.5 hours, and this was calculated to the accuracy of the last nail.”
Toni Lehtola, the CEO of Lapin Putkimestarit Oy, explained how by using the JCAD software he is able to calculate the material quantities of renovation projects up to 20 times faster than before. Lehtola, who previously calculated with a pen and paper, is now happy that a basic renovation project can be calculated in two to three hours.
– Just yesterday, I calculated the plumbing renovation of a 48-unit apartment building from the boiler room to the last apartment in just 1.5 hours, and this was calculated to the accuracy of the last nail. Every detail was taken into account.
For Lapin Putkimestarit it is valuable that the material quantity calculations are not dependent on one person. With JCAD software, the calculation of material quantities is uniform and can be distributed within the company.
– When the supervisor arrives, it is possible to start calculating with the software without all the quantities being in their own head, says Lehtola.
How are the benefits visible in your company?
– Speed, efficiency, accuracy. Uncertainty cannot be a factor when calculating for a bid. Afterwards, we are able to review what was measured and how it was measured.
Lapin Putkimestarit Oy focuses on contracting for pipe renovations and new projects.